
The 999 Novel release on iSO Store

North american game publisher Aksys Games proclaimed on monday that it'll unleash 999: The Novel by the sport series' director Kotaro Uchikoshi as Associate in Nursing iOS app on March 17. The visual novel offers an equivalent story selections because the Nintendo 3DS game Zero Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, Nine Doors, however has removed the escape puzzles. Players will track their progress on a flow chart of the various methods they will absorb the story. Aksys Games describes the story: Nine people, ostensibly strangers, notice themselves arousal to a rude truth – they are at bay on a ship which will sink in 9 hours, and should play a deadly game so as to flee. seize by the mysterious Zero, these 9 should solve puzzles and uncover the situation of the elusive ninth door before time runs out. every player is tied to a bracelet that controls a bomb inside their bodies. One wrong move and that they explode. However, on the far side this life-and-death game lies queries that they have to answer: Why have they been brought here and, more importantly, who is Zero? The character art from the 3DS version has been redrawn to require advantage of the upper resolution. The app can price US$4.99 and work for iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices. Aksys Games antecedently discharged Zero Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors and 0 Escape: Virtue's Last Reward for Nintendo 3DS. Uchikoshi wrote on Twitter last month that finance for the third game within the Zero Escape series isn't presently accessible.


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